Friday, November 11, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 11

-For the Veterans and those currently serving in the military

-Clearer Vision

-Hubby home for the weekend

-Grocery shopping alone

-Frozen lemonade (like Italian Ice…but softer)…my craving for today

-The very stubborn babe growing inside of me. My doula came over today so we could try to hear the heartbeat again…but we only got to hear it for about 4 seconds (baby kept moving and doula said it was almost like my placenta was too loud for the baby’s heart beat to come through)

-The funny looks I keep getting from my girls with my new glasses on…they are not sure what to think



1 comment:

Amanda said...

i LOVED the pic of the glasses on facebook! :) enjoy your weekend with jonathan home...and tell that baby to cooperate! :)