1. A glowing report from Leila's 4 month check-up. She's healthy and happy and beautiful! Leila now weighs 11 lbs 4oz and is 24 inches long. I checked Liberty's baby book, and Leila is smaller than Libbs was at 4 months by a couple pounds and one inch. I guess Puny, the nickname Jonathan gave Leila in the womb, is a good pick!
2. A good visit with my friend Angela J. She came over with her two kids today (Arianna & Santino). We had planned to work on some crafts while the kids played, but it just didn't work out! We did have a great time just talking and hanging out, though.
4. Extra time to sleep this morning...thanks to my hubby for getting up with Liberty!
5. Two good nights in a row with the girls. Jonathan has been working some evenings and doing his Primerica training, so that leaves me with the girls on my own for the evening and bed time. I was a little nervous about it because I'm so used to having Jonathan's help, but to my delight the girls have been great!
6. Reading with my hubby. Since we've been married (Jonathan actually started this while we were dating) we always read to each other before bed time. Jonathan picks out a book of his choice to read to me, and I pick out something I like to read to him. I absolutely love this time with my hubby. After Leila was born we set the reading time aside getting used to another baby and just being so tired. Recently we finally started reading to each other again...HOORAY!!
7. Despite the fact our finances are crazy due to hardly any hours at K-mart and no other jobs coming up for Jonathan at the moment, I have been surprisingly more at peace that I thought I would be. Of course I have days when I worry and wonder and question, but it seems those days are less than days where I don't let it overwhelm me. I know this is definitely a God thing. I'm so thankful for His peace and comfort during this crazy time. We definitely couldn't make it through this without our Jesus.
8. Going along with #7, I have to say I am so thankful for my hubby...and I am thankful that we are not letting our circumstances get in the way of our relationship. I know a lot of couples let these kinds of things push them apart. I truly feel that the things we are going through are bringing us closer together.
9. A nice visit with my cousin Joe and his wife Laura (who I've been friends with since elementary).
10. And the rest of my blessings can be seen in the pictures below :) I particularly love the pics of Liberty "helping" me cook.
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